I have a piece of code which looks like this,
the field is a private static final HashMap from a source code which I need to modify.
void <T extends MyInterface> registerMyClass (Class<T> myClass) throws NoSuchFieldException,
ClassCastException {
Field field = SomeClass.class.getDeclaredField(FIELD_NAME);
Map<Class, Collection<Class<?>>> map = (Map<Class, Collection<Class<?>>>) field.get(null);
Collection<Class<?>> classes= map.computeIfAbsent(KeyClass.class, k -> new LinkedList<>());
if (!classes.contains(myClass)) {
I would like to do this without getting an Unchecked warning which does not comply with the requirements for a merge request.
Is there an approach to achieve the same result without causing an unchecked cast warning?
I should have formulated the question more clearly, what I need to do is to modify the value in the private static final hashmap without performing an unchecked cast, the field is from a source file so I cannot modify the methods for handling it, so I resorted to reflection.
Basically now it works but I can't merge the code because it's too ugly :( and doesn't pass the automatic code-check, so I need some other approach.
You will not be able to get rid of the warning on the cast itself. The only thing you can do is suppress the warning using the @SuppressWarnings
Field field = SomeClass.class.getDeclaredField(FIELD_NAME);
Map<Class, Collection<Class<?>>> map = (Map<Class, Collection<Class<?>>>) field.get(null);
Collection<Class<?>> classes= map.computeIfAbsent(KeyClass.class, k -> new LinkedList<>());