Our registered Gitlab-runner (on Kubernetes) was working fine, after upgrading the version of Gitlab, it can't clone the projects anymore! Does anyone have any idea about this issue?
Here is the log of the issue:
Running with gitlab-runner 14.9.0 (d1f69508)
on gitlab-runner-dev K5KVWdx-
Preparing the "kubernetes" executor
Using Kubernetes namespace: cicd
Using Kubernetes executor with image <docker-registry>:kuber_development ...
Using attach strategy to execute scripts...
Preparing environment
Waiting for pod cicd/runner-k5kvwdx--project-1227-concurrent-02kqgq to be running, status is Pending
Waiting for pod cicd/runner-k5kvwdx--project-1227-concurrent-02kqgq to be running, status is Pending
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper]"
Running on runner-k5kvwdx--project-1227-concurrent-02kqgq via gitlab-runner-85776bd9c6-rkdvl...
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/bigdata/search/query-processing-module/.git/
Created fresh repository.
fatal: unable to access '<git-repository>': Failed to connect to <gitlab-url> port 443 after 130010 ms: Operation timed out
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
Here is how I would debug this Issue:
kubectl debug -it ephemeral-demo --image=busybox:1.28 --target=ephemeral-demo
As soon as you have a shell inside some container that doesn't work try to answer the following questions:
I cannot say for sure what is wrong, but try the steps above and hopefully you get some insight into where the Problem is.