So i have a data source beeing loaded in a symbolLayer in Azure Maps, all its working fine. But i cant find a way to show to my user what feature is beeing clicked on the map. Here is my code. I cant get the information about the feature is beeing clicked, but i cant find the way to change the style of the feature. Anything that can show the user that he clicked that feature its ok for me. Even a dot on top of the feature. If you guys know what is doing my popup to appear not on top of my feature but overlapping him i would aprecciate too.
Popup popup = new Popup();
//Add a click event to the layer. -> {
//Get the first feature and it's properties.
Feature f = feature.get(0);
JsonObject props =;
//Retrieve the custom layout for the popup.
View customView = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.popup_text, null);
//Display the name and entity type information of the feature into the text view of the popup layout.
TextView tv = customView.findViewById(;
tv.setText(f.getStringProperty("Name") + "\n" +
//Get the position of the clicked feature.
Position pos = MapMath.getPosition((Point)f.geometry());
//Set the options on the popup.
//Set the popups position.
//Set the anchor point of the popup content.
//Set the content of the popup.
//add a button to close popup
//Open the popup.; (lat, lon) -> {
//Map clicked.
//Return true indicating if event should be consumed and not passed further to other listeners registered afterwards, false otherwise.
return true;
//Return a boolean indicating if event should be consumed or continue to bubble up.
return true;
The easiest way to add a visual highlight that shape has been selected, is to use a second datasource, and add a feature to it and render it with a layer differently.