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How to remove text shadow on JSX tags

I want to remove this shadow:

enter image description here

So that it looks like a regular HTML:

enter image description here

How do I do that?


  • Normally (in HTML/XML file) that would be Tag style. And XML styles may be taking over HTML here (as an underlying language in IDE's styling hierarchy perhaps).

    I'm not sure if this will work here but try this anyway (can be used in other scenarios):

    • Select some code (e.g. a whole tag) in such a file.
    • Invoke Help | Find Action... (or Search Everywhere and focus on "Actions" tab)
    • Locate Jump to Colors and Fonts entry there and invoke it.
    • See if a popup will have the related style listed (does not seem to list it here in PhpStorm using HTML+PHP file in my quick test -- only lists PHP styles).

    P.S. It's not a "text shadow" but a background color.