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github Action erorr: xcodebuild: error: '.xcproject' does not exist

Here is the workflow execution log:

Run xcodebuild clean build -project ExGithubAction/ExGithubAction.xcproject -scheme ExGithubAction
Command line invocation:
    /Applications/ clean build -project ExGithubAction.xcproject -scheme ExGithubAction

User defaults from command line:
    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES

xcodebuild: error: 'ExGithubAction.xcproject' does not exist.
Error: Process completed with exit code 66.

How can I get past the error 'ExGithubAction.xcproject' does not exist?


  • First, as a step (after the uses: actions/checkout@v3) to do a ls and confirm that ExGithubAction.xcproject is indeed checked out.

    Second, as in this thread, specify the full path:

    xcodebuild \
        -workspace MyProject.xcworkspace \
        -scheme MyProject \
        -sdk iphonesimulator8.1 \
        -configuration Release \
        clean build \
        OBJROOT=$(PWD)/build \

    (adapt it and remove the options you do not need)

    If you have a obfuscate_project script, you have would need to provide proper values to variables corresponding to your project in the first section of the script and commit those changes.

    # General build options
    # WORKSPACE=YourWorkspace.xcworkspace