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run docker command within python subprocess within GitHub runner

I am running functional tests as CI in my GitHub runner. To properly execute my tests, I am building a docker image and running it (a slightly modified mysql container). Because I am building the container from a Dockerfile (not only pulling it from a registry), I dont use GitHub service or container capabilities (

Instead I have some steps dedicated in my GH workflow to build the container and run it like this

  - name: build docker container
    run: |
      cd tests/functional/olbp/mocked_data/
      docker build --no-cache -f my_service.Dockerfile -t my_service_test:latest .
  - name: run container
    run: docker run --name my_service -d -p my_service_test --sql_mode="NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"
  - name: wait for MySQL to start
    run: |
      until mysqladmin ping -h --silent; do
      echo 'Waiting for MySQL to start...'
      sleep 1

Finally I am calling my functional tests (pytest) with python

  - name: run the functional tests
    run: python -m pytest tests/functional -vv -s --log-cli-level=DEBUG

This is working fine, my tests can obvisouly interract with the mysql container.

However I am struggling to interract with Docker in this context. I would like to generate a mysqldump part of my tests. So I wrote this inside my tests:

dck_exc_output =


It is working fine when being executed from my computer but whenever I try to get this executed inside the GH Runner (this docker command or even a simple docker version). I end up on this output (output for subprocess of a simple docker version via subprocess):

DEBUG CompletedProcess(args=['docker', 'version'], returncode=0, stdout=b'', stderr=b'
Usage:  docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND


I already confirmed that I have same user, same permission and same env variable between the subprocess and the GH runner commands.
I cannot understand why I am receiving this output. The docker executable seems to be found (because I am receiving the helppage as if I was executing a wrong command) but it will not execute as it is doing when I run the test locally.


  • You have an error in your Python code. You're attempting to use shell i/o redirection in your arguments to, but (a) you're not setting shell=True and (b) you're passing in a list of arguments rather than a string.

    If you want to use shell i/o redirection (like somecommand > somefile), you may only pass a single string as your argument to and you must set shell=True:
    f'docker exec my_service mysqldump --skip-triggers --skip-extended-insert --compact --no-create-info -uroot -psupersecret my_db my_table > {live_data_dump}',

    If you don't set shell=True, then your command is not executed by a shell, and things like > are passed literally to the executing command.