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How to write a custom formatter for Google DataTables (for use on visualisation api)

I'm looking to format my data in which I replace numbers with icons.

As far as I can tell Google do not currently have a formatter to do so:

There is a brief mention within the documents about custom formatters, but I cannot seem to find any documents on how to begin writting a custom formatters.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

There is a similar question on StackOverflow: Write a custom formatter for Google Charts Api . However the question was resolved simply using the built-in formatters (which I don't think I can use).


  • I don't think you'll be able to make the current formatters to do what you want, but you should be able to make your own formatter easily enough. I put together iconFormatter below for a sample - this could be adjusted to do whatever you need really.

    <html xmlns="">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
          google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['table']});
        <script type="text/javascript">
          * Gviz icon formatter
          * @param {Object<Number, String>} Map of numbers to icon URIs
          var iconFormatter = function(iconMap) {
            this.iconMap = iconMap;
           * Formats a gviz DataTable column
           * @param {Object} dt DataTable to format
           * @param {Number} column index number
          iconFormatter.prototype.format = function(dt, column) {
            for (var i=0;i<dt.getNumberOfRows();i++) {
              var formattedValue = this.iconMap[dt.getValue(i, column)];
              var htmlString = "<img src="+formattedValue+" />";
              dt.setFormattedValue(i, column, htmlString);
              // underlying value preserved
              console.log(dt.getValue(i, column)); 
          function drawVisualization() {
            // Create and populate the data table.
            var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
            data.addColumn('string', 'Name');
            data.addColumn('number', 'Height');
            data.setCell(0, 0, 'Tong Ning mu');
            data.setCell(1, 0, 'Huang Ang fa');
            data.setCell(2, 0, 'Teng nu');
            data.setCell(0, 1, 174);
            data.setCell(1, 1, 523);
            data.setCell(2, 1, 86);
            var iconMap = {
              174: "",
              523: "",
              86: ""
              // other numbers
            // Create and draw the visualization.
            visualization = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table'));
            // apply our formatter, just like normal
            var formatter = new iconFormatter(iconMap);
            formatter.format(data, 1);
            // allow html, just like any html formatter will require
            visualization.draw(data, {allowHtml: true});
        <div id="table"></div>

    Hope that helps.