I'm trying to setup a OneLogin mocked service locally using WireMock. So far so good, I was able to mock most of the OAuth OneLogin flow but I can't manage to solve the last part in order to get it working properly...
Whenever I submit credentials on my Mocked OneLogin page and it redirects me back to the application I get error: RPError: failed to validate JWT signature
. From the debugging I discovered that the problem is in the mocked OneLogin server on the "jwks_uri": "http://localhost:27442/oidc/2/certs"
endpoint. Seems the last part of NextAuth verification which is using jose..compactVerify(jwt, key instanceof Uint8Array ? key : key.keyObject)
doesn't match what I've mocked thus not allowing me to proceed with mocked login.
Does anyone know what should the /oidc/2/certs
endpoint return to match generated mocked token??
How should the JWT and return value of oidc/2/certs
look like to be approved.
I generated JWT on https://jwt.io/
and looking at onelogin docs I found this https://acme.onelogin.com/oidc/2/certs
How can I match above to be verified successfully? I basically want an infinite JWT (RS256 alg) token that will be verified mitigating OneLogin flow in development environment
After fighting with this for several days I found a solution.
I had to Generate JWT token with appropriate header and payload values on https://jwt.io/#debugger-io then copy public key and generate JWK with it on https://russelldavies.github.io/jwk-creator/