This works perfectly if none of the data-validated cells raise an error on the sheet being written to. However, once the script reaches a cell where the copied value doesn't follow the data validation rules, it returns an error and stops executing. How can I ignore this error, continue to write into the cell, and continue running the script?
function addNew() {
Week = "2022-01-03"
x = 4
y = 17
for (var i=0; i<21; i++)
var readRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange(`Versionality!I${x}:K${y}`)
var readValues = readRange.getValues();
var writeRange = SpreadsheetApp.openById("------");
var writeValues = writeRange.getRange(`${Week}!H${x}:J${y}`)
x += 17
y += 17
Here is an example of how you can “disable/enable” data validation to copy data:
function myFunction(){
// IMPORTANT: Make sure source and target dimensions are the same.
var sourceRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange("source!B11:D11"); //Get source range of cells to be copied
var sourceRangeDVs = sourceRange.getDataValidations(); // cache the data validations currently applied to the sourceRange
sourceRange.clearDataValidations(); //clear validations on the source range before getting source values
var sourceValues = rangeSource.getValues(); //getting source values
//Next, get target range where the data will be set.
//Note: if you have to open a new file and you are handling several ranges to be copied in a loop,
// you may want to cache the target file on a variable to avoid opening every iteration of the loop
var targetRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange("target!E6:G6"); //Get target range of cells for the values to be set
targetRange.setValues(sourceValues); //Set values copied from source in the target range
sourceRange.setDataValidations(sourceRangeDVs); //Set Data Validations cached back to source range
Please note that the spreadsheet names and ranges set on the sample code above are merely to exemplify, please modify it accordingly.