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Unexpected output table for permanova (adonis2 in r) to test for interaction

I am rusty with my stats knowledge, please correct me if I use the wrong terminology or misunderstand anything.

I am using adonis to perform a permanova test with the script:

nmds.div<- adonis2(nmds.dist ~ Season*Area, data = Type0, permutations = 999, method="bray")

Where Season has three levels (March, May, Sept) and Area has two levels (Pacific, Atlantic). The dependent variable is a distance matrix based on bray-curtis using OTU read counts. I want to see the interaction term(?) between Season and Area but this is what I get:

         Df SumOfSqs      R2      F Pr(>F)    
Season    2   6.4903 0.27066 8.9066  0.001 ***
Residual 48  17.4889 0.72934                  
Total    50  23.9792 1.00000  

When I run the same code format for Cruise and Layer3, the output table works fine and I get the interaction term - probability for Cruise:Layer3. Where Cruise has three levels (KS17, KS14 and HO15) and Layer3 has two levels (euphotic, aphotic).

nmds.div<- adonis2(nmds.dist ~ Cruise*Layer3, data = Type0, permutations = 999, method="bray")
              Df   SumOfSqs         R2        F Pr(>F)
Cruise         2  6.4903090 0.27066356 9.787264  0.001
Layer3         1  0.4029121 0.01680253 1.215168  0.311
Cruise:Layer3  2  2.1654176 0.09030381 3.265409  0.002
Residual      45 14.9206109 0.62223010       NA     NA
Total         50 23.9792496 1.00000000       NA     NA

Table produced by:

table(Type0$Season, Type0$Area)
        Pacific Atlantic
  Mar        16        0
  May        27        0
  Sept        0        8

So, my question is how come the same code works for Cruise*Layer3, but not for Season *Area? Are there restrictions with the independent variables?


  • I think the short answer is that your model contains a high degree of multicolinearity because all of your "Sept" values came from the "Atlantic".

    In other words, the additional factor of "Area" does not provide additional information, and so adonis2() drops a factor.

    To see what I mean, here are two examples of simulated data. The first has the cell counts that match your data. Here you end up with a single factor in the result. 'Area' was dropped.

    # fake data 1
    nmds <- sample(1:1000, 51, replace = TRUE)
    season <- factor(c(rep(1, 16), rep(2, 27), rep(3, 8)), 
                     labels= c("Mar", "May", "Sept"))
    area <- factor(c(rep(1,43), rep(2,8)), labels = c("Pacific", "Atlantic"))
    Type0 <- data.frame(nmds = nmds, Season =season, Area=area)
    # cell counts
    > table(Type0$Season, Type0$Area)
           Pacific Atlantic
      Mar       16        0
      May       27        0
      Sept       0        8
    nmds.div1 <- adonis2(nmds ~ Season*Area, data = Type0, 
                       permutations = 999, method="bray")
    > nmds.div1
    adonis2(formula = nmds ~ Season * Area, data = Type0, permutations = 999, method = "bray")
             Df SumOfSqs      R2      F Pr(>F)
    Season    2   0.1720 0.02919 0.7216  0.583
    Residual 48   5.7204 0.97081              
    Total    50   5.8924 1.00000             

    In this second example, I provide random data in Area, which gives you greater-than-zero counts in all of the cells in the table. In this scenario the factors are no longer redundant. And adonis2() returns estimates for both factors and the interaction.

    # fake data 2
    nmds <- sample(1:1000, 51, replace = TRUE)
    season <- factor(c(rep(1, 16), rep(2, 27), rep(3, 8)), 
                     labels= c("Mar", "May", "Sept"))
    area <- factor(sample(1:2, 51, replace = TRUE), labels = c("Pacific", "Atlantic"))
    Type0 <- data.frame(nmds = nmds, Season =season, Area=area)
    # cell counts
    > table(Type0$Season, Type0$Area)
    Pacific Atlantic
    Mar       11        5
    May       14       13
    Sept       2        6
    nmds.div2 <- adonis2(nmds ~ Season*Area, data = Type0, 
                       permutations = 999, method="bray")
    > nmds.div2
    adonis2(formula = nmds ~ Season * Area, data = Type0, permutations = 999, method = "bray")
    Df SumOfSqs      R2      F Pr(>F)
    Season       2   0.2721 0.04736 1.1661  0.313
    Area         1   0.1721 0.02995 1.4747  0.233
    Season:Area  2   0.0515 0.00895 0.2205  0.948
    Residual    45   5.2510 0.91374              
    Total       50   5.7467 1.00000