Good morning,
I have the following query:
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "UPDATE tb_pessoal_funcionarios SET salario = salario+(salario * :percentualAumento)/100 WHERE id IN (:funcionarioId) AND condicao <> 'Inativo' ")
void AlterarSalarioPorPercentual(Double percentualAumento, Long funcionarioId);
but if the user checks a checkbox on the screen, the query would have to be:
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "UPDATE tb_pessoal_funcionarios SET salario = salario+(salario * :percentualAumento)/100 WHERE id IN (:funcionarioId)")
void AlterarSalarioDemitidosPorPercentual(Double percentualAumento, Long funcionarioId);
is there any way I can do this without having to do Two queries?
One possible way to do this is to pass a boolean flag from your controller, let's say filterByCondicao, and then have a clause like:
AND (:filterByCondicao is false or condicao <> 'Inativo')
When the checkbox is set, you should pass false, otherwise true when it's not set. This way when it's false the first part of the clause will evaluate to true and your row will be fetched, otherwise, when it's true it will filter by condicao column.
I don't have an example as is but you have to do the following:
@RequestParam(required = true) Boolean filterByCondicao