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Where can I find documentation of gasnet collectives

I am writing a distributed-shared memory library using GASNET_SEGMENT_EVERYTHING, and for that I need to communicate the address of an allocation from some root node to all other nodes, like an MPI_Bcast. However, I am having a tough time understanding how to implement this. Can someone give me an example on how to mimic MPI_Send with active messages, or explain how the undocumented gasnet_coll_broadcast from gasnet_coll.h works?


  • The best source of information for the GASNet collectives API in the current GASNet-EX release is the GASNet-EX specification (search for the section entitled // Collectives (Coll)).

    Here's a simple example of initiating a non-blocking broadcast operation and then synchronously awaiting its completion:

    gex_Event_Wait(gex_Coll_BroadcastNB(myteam, root_rank, dstmem, srcmem, payloadsz, 0));

    The example above is taken from the GASNet test testcollperf, and there are other examples in GASNet test testcoll; although these tests are respectively written as a performance microbenchmark and a correctness validation test (and not really intended to serve as example codes).