I'm trying to move from a DTL script to this a DLT DBT script. The problem is that in one of my tables I also have some other DTL processes that writes in. I read https://docs.getdbt.com/guides/migration/tools/migrating-from-stored-procedures/1-migrating-from-stored-procedures but didn't figure out how should I set my last tables to be able to write inside it. Maybe somebody else got stuck in this.
The flow is like in picture.
The int__log_client__deletes
& int__log_client_do__delete
have to write also in tables client_dim
& audit_matching_log
without deleting the table.
The original int__log_client__do_delete
script segment looks something like:
update data_warehouse.client_dim
set is_deleted = true,
deleted_at = current_timestamp
where client_id in (select client_id from deletes)
and source_id = 1
returning 'delete' as type, client_id as key
The other original one is something like this but with insert in it.
My current view is something like:
{{ config( materialized='????' ) }}
do_delete as
true as to_delete,
current_timestamp as deleted_at
from {{ ref('stg__data_warehouse__client_dim') }}
where client_id in (select client_id from {{ ref('int__log_client__deletes') }})
and client_dim_source_id = 1
-- returning 'delete' as type, client_id as key
select * from do_delete
After hours of trial & error and getting cycle issues I got a working using a post_hook config in
Something like:
post_hook="update {{ source('data_warehouse','client_dim') }}
set is_deleted = true,
deleted_at = {{ dbt_date.now() }}
where client_id in (select client_id from {{ this }})
and source_id = 1"
do_delete as
from {{ ref('stg__data_warehouse__client_dim') }}
where client_id in (select client_id from {{ ref('int__log_client__deletes') }})
and client_dim_source_id = 1
-- returning 'delete' as type, client_id as key
select * from do_delete
That's the working solution for my need!