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PostgreSQL drop constraint with unknown name

I have an SQL script that needs to drop several constraints and restore them at the end, but the constraint names are auto-generated and will be different each time the script is run.

I know how to get the constraint name from the table names, but it doesn't seem possible to use this information in the drop statement.

select conname from pg_constraint where
   conrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname='table name')
   and confrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname='reference table');

alter table something drop constraint (some subquery) is a syntax error.

Ideally I would like to get the constraint name and store it in a variable, but it doesn't seem that Postgres supports that and I can't make it work with psql \set.

Is this even possible?


  • To dynamically drop & recreate a foreign key constraint, you could wrap it all in a FUNCTION, PROCEDURE (Postgres 11+), or a DO command:

       /* There could be multiple FK constraints one table to another (even if uncomon).
        * This kind of assignment raises an exception if more than one rows are found:
        * "ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression"
        * (As opposed to SELECT INTO ...)
        * If that's not what you want, resolve it.
       _con text := (
          SELECT quote_ident(conname)
          FROM   pg_constraint
          WHERE  conrelid = 'myschema.mytable'::regclass      -- source table
          AND    confrelid = 'myschema.myreftable'::regclass  -- FK target table
       IF _con IS NULL THEN
          RAISE EXCEPTION 'FK constraint not found!';  -- flesh out msg ...
       END IF;
         'ALTER TABLE myschema.mytable DROP CONSTRAINT ' || _con;
       -- do stuff here
         'ALTER TABLE myschema.mytable
          ADD CONSTRAINT ' || _con || ' FOREIGN KEY (col)
          REFERENCES myschema.myreftable (col)';

    The executing role must own the table to use ALTER TABLE (or be a superuser).
    Else you can create a SECURITY DEFINER function with using the same body, and:

    ALTER FUNCTION foo() OWNER TO table_owner;

    table_owner being the owner of the table (or a superuser). But read what the manual has to say about security.

    The manual on dynamic commands.