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How to configure multiple Redis DBs for multiple repositories on Spring-Data-Redis with @EnableRedisRepositories?

I'm creating 2 RespositoryConfigs with @EnableRedisRepositories and different RedisTemplate/redisTemplateRef references, however, it is always using only 1 DB.

Here some example (skipping the templates config which are using different RedisConnectionFactory and different RedisClient), and each package have only 1 repository A.class or B.class.

        basePackages = "com.X.A",
        includeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = A.class),
        excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = B.class),
        redisTemplateRef = "templateA"
public class ARepositoryRedisConfig {



        basePackages = "com.X.B",
        includeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = B.class),
        excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = A.class),
        redisTemplateRef = "templateB"
public class BRepositoryRedisConfig {


The repositories are CrudRepository. Going a bit deeper, I see on registering the beans in:

When registering the second repository I see it skips on: registerIfNotAlreadyRegistered because the first template is already registered.

Looking at other Spring-Data repository configs, it supposed to be supported.

Edit 1: How templates are configured

public RedissonClient ARedissonClient(
        @Value("${}") String host,
        @Value("${A.redis.port}") String port,
        @Value("${}") String appName,
        @Value("${redis.connectionPoolSize}") int connectionPoolSize,
        @Value("${redis.minimumIdleSize}") int connectionMinimumIdleSize,
        @Value("${redis.retryAttempts}") int retryAttempts,
        @Value("${redis.retryInterval}") int retryInterval,
        @Value("${A.redis.password:}") String password,
        @Value("${redis.timeout:6000}") int timeout,
        @Value("${redis.dns.monitoring.interval:5000}") int dnsMonitoringInterval
) {

public RedisConnectionFactory ARedisConnectionFactory(RedissonClient ARedissonClient) {
    return new RedissonConnectionFactory(ARedissonClient);

@Bean(name = "templateA")
public RedisTemplate<String, String> templateA(RedisConnectionFactory ARedisConnectionFactory) {

And another one with templateB and different I tested calling the templates directly and both setups are fine, they are just not binding to the repositories, only 1 template is used for all repositories regardless what multiple EnableRedisRepositories defines.


  • With great help from Redis support,they pointed it requires configuring and wiring keyValueTemplateRef as well, besides only redisTemplateRef.

    So, configuration should look like:

    @Bean(name = "templateA")
    public RedisTemplate<String, String> templateA(RedisConnectionFactory ARedisConnectionFactory) {
    @Bean(name = "templateKeyValueA")
    public KeyValueTemplate templateKeyValueA(RedisTemplate templateA) {
            return new KeyValueTemplate(
                    new RedisKeyValueAdapter(templateA),
                    new RedisMappingContext()
            basePackages = "com.X.A",
            redisTemplateRef = "templateA",
            keyValueTemplateRef = "templateKeyValueA"
    public class ARepositoryRedisConfig {

    And same for BRepositoryRedisConfig and teamplateB.