I'm creating 2 RespositoryConfigs with @EnableRedisRepositories and different RedisTemplate/redisTemplateRef references, however, it is always using only 1 DB.
Here some example (skipping the templates config which are using different RedisConnectionFactory and different RedisClient), and each package have only 1 repository A.class or B.class.
basePackages = "com.X.A",
includeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = A.class),
excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = B.class),
redisTemplateRef = "templateA"
public class ARepositoryRedisConfig {
basePackages = "com.X.B",
includeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = B.class),
excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = A.class),
redisTemplateRef = "templateB"
public class BRepositoryRedisConfig {
The repositories are CrudRepository. Going a bit deeper, I see on registering the beans in:
When registering the second repository I see it skips on: registerIfNotAlreadyRegistered because the first template is already registered.
Looking at other Spring-Data repository configs, it supposed to be supported.
Edit 1: How templates are configured
public RedissonClient ARedissonClient(
@Value("${A.redis.host}") String host,
@Value("${A.redis.port}") String port,
@Value("${diagnostic.app.name}") String appName,
@Value("${redis.connectionPoolSize}") int connectionPoolSize,
@Value("${redis.minimumIdleSize}") int connectionMinimumIdleSize,
@Value("${redis.retryAttempts}") int retryAttempts,
@Value("${redis.retryInterval}") int retryInterval,
@Value("${A.redis.password:}") String password,
@Value("${redis.timeout:6000}") int timeout,
@Value("${redis.dns.monitoring.interval:5000}") int dnsMonitoringInterval
) {
public RedisConnectionFactory ARedisConnectionFactory(RedissonClient ARedissonClient) {
return new RedissonConnectionFactory(ARedissonClient);
@Bean(name = "templateA")
public RedisTemplate<String, String> templateA(RedisConnectionFactory ARedisConnectionFactory) {
And another one with templateB and different B.redis.host. I tested calling the templates directly and both setups are fine, they are just not binding to the repositories, only 1 template is used for all repositories regardless what multiple EnableRedisRepositories defines.
With great help from Redis support,they pointed it requires configuring and wiring keyValueTemplateRef as well, besides only redisTemplateRef.
So, configuration should look like:
@Bean(name = "templateA")
public RedisTemplate<String, String> templateA(RedisConnectionFactory ARedisConnectionFactory) {
@Bean(name = "templateKeyValueA")
public KeyValueTemplate templateKeyValueA(RedisTemplate templateA) {
return new KeyValueTemplate(
new RedisKeyValueAdapter(templateA),
new RedisMappingContext()
basePackages = "com.X.A",
redisTemplateRef = "templateA",
keyValueTemplateRef = "templateKeyValueA"
public class ARepositoryRedisConfig {
And same for BRepositoryRedisConfig and teamplateB.