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RNFetchBlob - Not able to get API data in generated image file

Hello guys I designed certificate Image module on my website when I click on Download I able to generate a certificate image file with all data. but right now, I designing same for React Native using RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob' when i calling to api I able to generate a image but not able getting my Name and city as its show in code..

One more thing when I console.log I able to see api data with Name and City

I guess the problem is Remote_Image_Path

OnPress = downloadimage


enter image description here App.js

const downloadImage = () => {
    // Main function to download the image
    // To add the time suffix in filename
    let date = new Date();
    // Image URL which we want to download
    let image_URL = (`${API_URL}/puxxxApiblicApi/xxxxpath?name=${}&city=${}&uniqueId=${}`+"/xxx.png")
    // Getting the extention of the file
    let ext = getExtention(imageUrl);
    ext = '.' + ext[0];
    // Get config and fs from RNFetchBlob
    // config: To pass the downloading related options
    // fs: Directory path where we want our image to download
    const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob;
    let PictureDir = fs.dirs.PictureDir;
    let options = {
      fileCache: true,
      addAndroidDownloads: {
        // Related to the Android only
        useDownloadManager: true,
        notification: true,
          PictureDir +
          '/xxpicturepath' + 
          Math.floor(date.getTime() + date.getSeconds() / 2) +
        description: 'Image',
      .fetch('GET', imageUrl)
      .then(res => {
        // Showing alert after successful downloading
        console.log('res -> ', JSON.stringify(res));
        alert('Image Downloaded Successfully.');


  • Just added &x after uniqueId=${} for separating link with name extension

    const downloadImage = () => {
            const REMOTE_IMAGE_PATH =
            // Main function to download the image
            // To add the time suffix in filename
            let date = new Date();
            // Image URL which we want to download
            let image_URL = REMOTE_IMAGE_PATH;
            // Getting the extention of the file
            let ext = getExtention(imageUrl);
            ext = '.' + ext[0];
            // Get config and fs from RNFetchBlob
            // config: To pass the downloading related options
            // fs: Directory path where we want our image to download
            const { config, fs } = RNFetchBlob;
            let PictureDir = fs.dirs.PictureDir;
            let options = {
              fileCache: true,
              addAndroidDownloads: {
                // Related to the Android only
                // xxpicturepath is a directory name in android storage for storing image
                useDownloadManager: true,
                notification: true,
                  PictureDir +
                  '/xxpicturepath' + 
                  Math.floor(date.getTime() + date.getSeconds() / 2) +
                description: 'Image',
              .fetch('GET', imageUrl)
              .then(res => {
                // Showing alert after successful downloading
                console.log('res -> ', JSON.stringify(res));
                alert('Image Downloaded Successfully.');