I use bootstrap.vue components. In my case "b-form-input". I want to hide and show the password by pressing the button appended to the input field. With a normal input-field it's working but with "b-fom-input" I can't get it to run. It did not work with "v-bind:type= ...". How can I solve it?
my code:
<input v-bind:type="[showPassword ? 'text' : 'password']">
<b-button @click="showPassword = !showPassword" size="sm" variant="outline-success">show</b-button>
Update: This is the new code now: (function quick and dirty)
if (this.inputtype === "text") {
this.inputtype = "password"
if (this.inputtype === "password") {
this.inputtype = "text"
console.log("in show PW ... ")
<b-form-input :type="inputtype"
<b-button @click="showPassword()"
Give a try to this
export default {
data() {
return {
showPassword: false
Nice input <input :type="showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'">
<button @click="showPassword = !showPassword">
toggle it
Here is a working demo
UPDATE: here is bootstrap-vue
setup with Nuxt2, fully functional: https://github.com/kissu/so-input-bootstrap/blob/main/pages/index.vue#L13