Okay, pretty sure I got my formula right... don't think I quite understand how to call on methods, howcome mine isn't working?
fun main() {
println("Enter Width of the triangle")
println("Enter Height of the triangle")
class ComputeMethods(){
fun hypotenuse(width: Int, height: Int) {
val triangle = width.toDouble().pow(2) + height.toDouble().pow(2)
val formula = "$triangle"
@Gilli, Here is the working code example for triangle formula, You have to pass input arguments in space separated format (2.0 3.0), You can interact with the link given https://pl.kotl.in/mq-8jgVRy in order to run the program on kotlin playground.
import kotlin.math.pow
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Enter Width of the triangle")
val width = args[0].toDouble()
println("Enter Height of the triangle")
val height = args[1].toDouble()
ComputeMethods().hypotenuse(width, height)
class ComputeMethods(){
fun hypotenuse(width: Double, height: Double) {
val triangle = width.pow(2) + height.pow(2)
val formula = "$triangle"