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Display PlaceholderText When DateTime is null in CalendarPicker in UWP XAML

I have a CalendarDatePicker with some DateTime object bound to it's Date property. When the bound Date is null, The picker is showing the least date available (1/1/1922). How can I make the picker just show the PlaceHolderText when the bound Date is null? The FuzzyDateConverter is just a simple converter which converts individual day, month and year to DateTime Object...

The CalendarPicker is Below.

    PlaceholderText="Pick a date"
    Date="{x:Bind ViewModel.CompletedAt, Converter={StaticResource FuzzyDateConverter}}"/>

And the Converter is below...

public class FuzzyToDateTimeObject : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        return new DateTimeOffset(((DateTime)value).ToUniversalTime());

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        return ((DateTimeOffset)value).DateTime;


  • I tried your code and it shows the "Pick a date" placeholder when CompletedAt is null.

    My first guess is that your FuzzyDateConverter is not returning a null, or that CompletedAt is not a nullable.