I have an issue with the input system that I can't figure out.
I have a VisualElement (using the UI Toolkit), and I need to get the "localPosition" of the pointer on click. (It's going to be a game for touch and mouse so I use pointer.)
I can get the local position using a callback:
myVisualElement.RegisterCallback<PointerDownEvent>(OnPointerDown, TrickleDown.TrickleDown);
Then in the function:
private void OnPointerDown(PointerDownEvent evt)
pointerLocalPos = evt.localPosition;
But I'm also using the new input system for getting the pressed states (started, canceled, etc.):
InputManager.inputControls.Draw.Click.started += ctx => Click_started(ctx);
Here's the problem. I need to get the localPosition within the VisualElement before or just at the beginning when "Click.started" is called. But the Click_started() fucntion will always be called before "OnPointerDown" sets the value for the pointer position. Is there a way to get the localPosition in the "Click_started" function without a callback maybe? Or is there a another of doing this?
If delaying the processing is an option, you could try something like this (untested):
InputManager.inputControls.Draw.Click.started += Click_started;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
async void Click_started()
await Task.Yield();
// now OnPointerDown should have been called, if it was going to be..