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How access to abstract property from abstract that inherits interface?

I am not able to access a virtual property (IsNameAPalindrome) of an abstract class (PetBase ) having interface(IPet) inherited.

public interface IPet
    string Name { get; set; }

public abstract class PetBase : IPet
    public abstract string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual bool IsNameAPalindrome
            return (Name.Equals(string.Join("", Name.Reverse())));


The derived classes inherit the abstract class (PetBase)

public class Bird : PetBase
    public override string Name { get; set; }

public class Cat : PetBase
    public override string Name { get; set; }


public class Dog : PetBase
    public override string Name { get; set; }

public class House : List<IPet>

Now when I try to access the property(IsNameAPalindrome) while looping through house object, it is not accessible

 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        House house = BuildHouse();

    static void Print(House house)
        // TODO: Print the contents of the house similar to the below.
        // Feel free to change or improve upon the table as you see fit.

        //Name    Palindrome
        //Gracie  False     
        //Patches False     
        //Izzi    True      
        //Missy   False     
        Console.WriteLine("Name Palindrome");
        foreach (var item in house)
            Console.WriteLine( item.Name);


    static House BuildHouse()
        House house = new House();

        house.Add(new Cat()
            Name = "Gracie"

        house.Add(new Cat()
            Name = "Patches"

        house.Add(new Bird()
            Name = "Izzi"

        house.Add(new Dog()
            Name = "Missy"

        return house;


  • You define House as List<IPet>, meaning the compiler will see each list element as the type IPet, which does not have a property IsNameAPalindrome.

    If it makes logical sense for IsNameAPalindrome to be part of that interface contract, the simple solution is to add it:

    public interface IPet
        string Name { get; set; }
        bool IsNameAPalindrome { get; }

    If that does not make sense to you (and it may not, given that palendromes aren't closely linked to the concept of being a pet), you can:

    • Cast each IPet to PetBase to access that property
    • Implement a new interface e.g. IPalendrome, have PetBase also implement that interface, and cast to that interface to access the method.

    Changes to the code for

    First option

    Console.WriteLine( ((PetBase)item).IsNameAPalindrome);

    Second option

    public interface IPalendrome
        bool IsNameAPalindrome { get; }
    public abstract class PetBase : IPet, IPalendrome
    Console.WriteLine( ((IPalendrome)item).IsNameAPalindrome);