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Inline Images in Quarto Markdown

I need to place an inline image in a apresentation in Quarto (Revealjs) but every inline image shows displaced a bit upwards:

enter image description here

the code I wrote is:

I want an inline image but I get: ![](images/RStudio_logo.svg){height=30}

I can't find the information in the documentation and I am not proficient in css.

the question is: Is there a way to do it?


  • You could add in your yaml a css file which looks like this:


      margin: 0!important;
      height: 30px;

    and add it to your yaml like this:

    format: revealjs
    css: styles.css

    then you can add it to your image

    I want an inline image but I get: ![]({.center}

    enter image description here


    The reason why this happens is the internal css-style of quarto. The above written code overwrites the existing style (that was it is necessary to use !important), that looks like this

    .reveal img {
      margin: var(--r-block-margin) 0;

    Therefore, we use an own css style for that image to override that default.