Search code examples

Pass an instance property of a Groovy Server Pages to a javascript function

Here is the snippet of code:

    <g:link controller="Customer" action="customerInfo" id="${}"  onclick="return confirm('${message(code: 'default.button.customerInfo.confirm.message', default: 'Customer Info' ,args:['${}'])}');">Customer Information</g:link>

What the code does is whenever a user clicks the link, an alert box should come with the customer id.

This code works for me:

    <g:link controller="Customer" action="customerInfo" id="${}"   onclick="return confirm(Customer ID '+${}+'.Are you sure to continue? ');">Customer Information</g:link>

I think there is something wrong with the quotes.Can somebody help me out??


  • Don't use the single quotes or GSP expression in your 'args' parameter. You can just do the following: args:[]

    Full example:

        <g:link controller="Customer" action="customerInfo" id="${}"  onclick="return confirm('${message(code: 'default.button.customerInfo.confirm.message', default: 'Customer Info' ,args:[])}');">Customer Information</g:link>