I have sharded services, where each one have to have its ordinal. Also, each service consume different amount RAM, for example one - 4Gib, another - 20Gib. I would like to roll out these services on kubernates cluster.
I thought of using Stateful Set, where each service gets its ordinal from pod name. But there is the problem relating to resourse limits. As I wrote above, RAM consumption varies between shards, and as far as I know, high resourse limits may lead to less effective service distribution on nodes by scheduler.
Which solution suits to my problem or is the suggested one acceptable?
The standard Kubernetes Deployment and StatefulSet objects require the replicas to be more or less the same. A StatefulSet has more specific rules on how the Pod name is constructed and the order Pods are created and creates a PersistentVolumeClaim for each replica, but in particular every Pod has the same resource constraints.
That means you don't have a choice but to create a separate Deployment for each of your shards. This lines up will with your requirement that the Pods be individually addressable, though, since that requirement also means you probably need a separate Service for each shard.
If you're deploying in a Helm chart then you could use a range
loop to construct the Deployments and Services, and a well-constructed chart should be able to meet your other requirements as well. For example, you could write a Helm YAML values file containing something like
# values-prod.yaml
registry: registry.example.com
image: myimage
tag: a1b2c3
- memory: 4GiB
- memory: 20GiB
You could update this file to change the tag, or add shards, and run helm update -f values-prod.yaml ...
to redeploy it.
Inside the chart, you'd have to create Deployments and Services in a loop, which would look like
{{- $image := printf "%s:%s/%s" .Values.registry .Values.image .Values.tag }}
{{- range $index, $shard := range .Values.shards -}}
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: shard-{{ $index }}
- name: shard
image: {{ $image }}
memory: {{ $shard.memory }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
{{ end }}