So I realized when testing my actual app that I still need to provide a Context
(when running actual tests I just used val appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext
so I just kinda forgot about it.
But now I'm running the actual app in the emulator and get this error on startup: error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] android.content.Context cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.
My DI object looks like this:
object AppModule {
fun provideShotTrackerDatabase(context: Context): ShotTrackerDbAdapter {
val db = ShotTrackerDbAdapter(context)
fun provideShotTrackerRepository(db: ShotTrackerDbAdapter): ShotTrackerRepository {
return ShotTrackerRepository(db)
Of course my ViewModel is pretty standard, here's the declaration:
class FirearmsViewModel @Inject constructor (private val shotTrackerRepository: ShotTrackerRepository) : ViewModel() {
I guess I kinda assumed this would already be provided since it's easily accessible in a Composable via LocalContext.current
, but it's not.
You can inject application: Application
fun provideShotTrackerDatabase(application: Application): ShotTrackerDbAdapter {
val db = ShotTrackerDbAdapter(application)
Or @ApplicationContext context: Context
as you already found:
fun provideShotTrackerDatabase(@ApplicationContext context: Context): ShotTrackerDbAdapter {
val db = ShotTrackerDbAdapter(context)