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Google Web App Dynamic Dependent Dropdown

I've been trying to add 3rd and 4th level dependent dropdown using the code from Code with Curt(, but I'm running into some issues. In this code below, I'm trying to add a 3rd level, but it doesn't seem to work. This is the output I'm trying to achieve. I'm not sure if there's a fastest way to load the dropdown from Google sheets, as this codes loads in about 3 seconds, or a better way to fetch it from Sheets.

enter image description here

Here's the code:

Google Apps Script:

function doGet(e) {
  var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('DependentSelect');
  var colors = getColors();
  htmlOutput.message = '';
  htmlOutput.colors = colors;
  return htmlOutput.evaluate();

function doPost(e) {


  var name =;
  var color = e.parameters.color.toString();
  var fruit = e.parameters.fruit.toString();
  var class = e.parameters.class.toString(); //class is a reserved word

  AddRecord(name, color, fruit, class);

  var htmlOutput = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('DependentSelect');
  var colors = getColors();
  htmlOutput.message = 'Record Added';
  htmlOutput.colors = colors;
  return htmlOutput.evaluate();


function getColors() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV");
  var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
  var return_array = [];
  for (var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++) {
    if (return_array.indexOf(lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue()) === -1) {
      return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue());

  return return_array;

function getFruits(color) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV");
  var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
  var return_array = [];
  for (var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++) {
    if (lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue() === color) {
      return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 2).getValue());

  return return_array;
function getClass(fruit) {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV");
  var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
  var return_array = [];
  for (var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++) {
    if (lovSheet.getRange(i, 2).getValue() === fruit) {
      return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 3).getValue());

  return return_array.sort();

function AddRecord(name, color, fruit, class) {
  var url = '';   //URL OF GOOGLE SHEET;
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
  var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName("DATA");
  dataSheet.appendRow([name, color, fruit, class, new Date()]);

function getUrl() {
  var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
  return url;


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <base target="_top">

    function GetFruit(color) 

    fruit.length = 0;
    let option = document.createElement("option");
    option.value = "";
    option.text = "";
    ar.forEach(function(item, index) 
      let option = document.createElement("option");
      option.value = item;
      option.text = item;

 function getClass(queue)


class.length = 0;

let option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = "";
option.text = "";

ar.forEach(function(item, index) 
  let option = document.createElement("option");
  option.value = item;
  option.text = item;



  <h1>Web App Dependent Drop Down</h1>
  <?var url = getUrl();?>
  <form method="post" action="<?= url ?>">
    <label style="font-size: 20px" >Name</label><br>
    <input type="text" name="name" style="font-size: 20px" /><br><br>
    <label style="font-size: 20px" >Colors</label><br>
    <select name="color" style="font-size: 20px" onchange="GetFruit(this.value)" >
      <option value="" ></option>
      <? for(var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { ?>      
      <option value="<?= colors[i] ?>" ><?= colors[i] ?></option>
      <? } ?>
    <label style="font-size: 20px" >Fruit</label><br>
    <select name="fruit" id="fruit" style="font-size: 20px" >
    <label style="font-size: 20px" >Class</label><br>
    <select name="location" id="location" style="font-size: 20px" >
  <option value="" selected disabled>Select Class</option>

    <label style="font-size: 20px" >Brand</label><br>
    <select name="location" id="location" style="font-size: 20px" >
  <option value="" selected disabled>Select Brand</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="Submit" style="font-size: 20px" />
    <span style="font-size: 20px" ><?= message ?></span>



  • You may use the following GAS and HTML:

    Google Apps Script

    I have added the onlyUnique function (from another SO post) to filter out similar entries. I also added other functions to cater the Class and Brand columns. I also changed the variable class to classParam since class is a reserved word.

    function doGet(e) {
      var htmlOutput =  HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('DependentSelect');
      var colors = getColors();
      var fruits = getFruits();
      var classParams = getClasses();
      var brands = getBrands();
      htmlOutput.message = '';
      htmlOutput.colors = colors;
      htmlOutput.fruits = fruits;
      htmlOutput.classParams = classParams;
      htmlOutput.brands = brands;
      return htmlOutput.evaluate();
    function doPost(e) {
      var name =;
      var color = e.parameters.color.toString();
      var fruit = e.parameters.fruit.toString();
      var classParam = e.parameters.classParam.toString();
      var brand = e.parameters.brand.toString();
      AddRecord(name, color, fruit, classParam, brand);
      var htmlOutput =  HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('DependentSelect');
      var colors = getColors();
      var fruits = getFruits();
      var classParams = getClasses();
      var brands = getBrands();
      htmlOutput.message = 'Record Added';
      htmlOutput.colors = colors;
      htmlOutput.fruits = fruits;
      htmlOutput.classParams = classParams;
      htmlOutput.brands = brands;
      return htmlOutput.evaluate(); 
    function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
      return self.indexOf(value) === index;
    function getColors() { 
      var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV"); 
      var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
      var return_array = [];
      for(var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++)
          if(return_array.indexOf(lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue()) === -1) {
            return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue());
      return return_array.filter(onlyUnique);  
    function getFruits(color) { 
      var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV"); 
      var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
      var return_array = [];
      for(var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++)
          if(lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue() === color) {
            return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 2).getValue());
      return return_array.filter(onlyUnique);  
    function getClasses(color, fruit) { 
      var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV"); 
      var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
      var return_array = [];
      for(var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++)
          if((lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue() === color) && (lovSheet.getRange(i, 2).getValue() === fruit)) {
            return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 3).getValue());
      return return_array.filter(onlyUnique);  
    function getBrands(color, fruit, classParam) { 
      var ss= SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var lovSheet = ss.getSheetByName("LOV"); 
      var getLastRow = lovSheet.getLastRow();
      var return_array = [];
      for(var i = 2; i <= getLastRow; i++)
          if((lovSheet.getRange(i, 1).getValue() === color) && (lovSheet.getRange(i, 2).getValue() === fruit) && (lovSheet.getRange(i, 3).getValue() === classParam)) {
            return_array.push(lovSheet.getRange(i, 4).getValue());
      return return_array.filter(onlyUnique);  
    function AddRecord(name, color, fruit, classParam, brand) {
      var url = "";   //INSERT SPREADSHEET URL HERE <---------
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
      var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName("DATA");
      dataSheet.appendRow([name, color, fruit, classParam, brand, new Date()]);
    function getUrl() {
     var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
     return url;


    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <base target="_top">
        function GetFruit(color) 
        fruit.length = 0;
        let option = document.createElement("option");
        option.value = "";
        option.text = "";
        ar.forEach(function(item, index) 
          let option = document.createElement("option");
          option.value = item;
          option.text = item;
        function GetClass(color, fruit) 
        classParam.length = 0;
        let option = document.createElement("option");
        option.value = "";
        option.text = "";
        ar.forEach(function(item, index) 
          let option = document.createElement("option");
          option.value = item;
          option.text = item;
        }).getClasses(color, fruit);
        function GetBrand(color, fruit, classParam) 
        brand.length = 0;
        let option = document.createElement("option");
        option.value = "";
        option.text = "";
        ar.forEach(function(item, index) 
          let option = document.createElement("option");
          option.value = item;
          option.text = item;
        }).getBrands(color, fruit, classParam);
        <h1>Web App Dependent Drop Down</h1>
        <?var url = getUrl();?>
        <form method="post" action="<?= url ?>" >
          <!-- name -->
          <label style="font-size: 20px" >Name</label><br>
          <input type="text" name="name" style="font-size: 20px" /><br><br>
          <!-- color -->
          <label style="font-size: 20px" >Colors</label><br>
          <select name="color" id="color" style="font-size: 20px" onchange="GetFruit(this.value)" >
          <option value="" ></option>
          <? for(var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { ?>      
          <option value="<?= colors[i] ?>" ><?= colors[i] ?></option>
          <? } ?>
          <!-- fruit -->
          <label style="font-size: 20px" >Fruits</label><br>
          <select name="fruit" id="fruit" style="font-size: 20px" onchange="GetClass(color.value, this.value)" >
          <option value="" ></option>
          <? for(var i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) { ?>      
          <option value="<?= fruits[i] ?>" ><?= fruits[i] ?></option>
          <? } ?>
          <!-- class -->
          <label style="font-size: 20px" >Classes</label><br>
          <select name="classParam" id="classParam" style="font-size: 20px" onchange="GetBrand(color.value, fruit.value, this.value)" >
          <option value="" ></option>
          <? for(var i = 0; i < classParams.length; i++) { ?>      
          <option value="<?= classParams[i] ?>" ><?= classParams[i] ?></option>
          <? } ?>
          <!-- brand -->
          <label style="font-size: 20px" >Brand</label><br>
          <select name="brand" id="brand" style="font-size: 20px" >
          <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="Submit" style="font-size: 20px" /> 
          <span style="font-size: 20px" ><?= message ?></span>

    Sample Data

    enter image description here

    Web App

    enter image description here


    enter image description here