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What does the letters in front of the objects mean in Google Chrome dev tools?

There is the question I met while searching what do the letters in front of the objects in Chrome dev tools mean.

In my case I have the m letter in front of the $scope variable in AngularJS. E.g.:

m {$id: 1520, $$childTail: m, $$childHead: b, $$prevSibling: m, $$nextSibling: null, …}

enter image description here

So, the linked above question comes to the following conclusion:

It's the name of the constructor used to create the model object.

That conclusion brings a few questions. I believe they are tightly connected to each other, so I decided to create a single question for all of them.

  1. What is the difference between the ordinary JS object and the model object?

  2. What is the difference between the ordinary JS object`s constructor and the model object`s constructor?

  3. Why did Chrome decided to prepend the letters for the model objects, but decided to avoid doing so for the ordinary JS objects?


After the first comment to the question I decided to try the following example:

function A() {}
new A()
 *A {}*

enter image description here

That helped me to understand that the letter prepended to the object is just a name of the constructor. Is my understanding correct?


  • I believe that letter is done by the framework when it minifies, what you are probably seeing is their Class or Object in its minified form represented as a letter, basically a wrapper to the object you made.