I've been working on a function that changes the spaces between words into the string " "
For example, "Hello World. Hi there."
would become "Hello(space)world.(space)Hi(space)there."
EDIT: I'm trying to build this to a specific set of structured English which is as follows:
Here is what I was able to come up with so far.:
function showSpaces(aString)
var word, letter;
word = aString
for var (count = 0; count < word.length; count = count + 1)
letter = word.charAt(count);
if (letter == " ")
Whenever I test this function call, nothing happens:
<INPUT TYPE = "button" NAME = "showSpacesButton" VALUE ="Show spaces in a string as (space)"
ONCLICK = "window.alert(showSpaces('Space: the final frontier'));">
I'm just beginning with JavaScript at the moment. Any help would be appreciated.
Use String.replace
function showSpaces(aString)
return aString.replace(/ /g,'(space)');
EDIT: to get your code working:
function showSpaces (aString)
var word, letter,
output = ""; // Add an output string
word = aString;
for (var count = 0; count < word.length; count = count + 1) // removed var after for
letter = word.charAt(count);
if (letter == " ")
output += ("(space)"); // don't return, but build the string
output += (letter); // don't return, but build the string
return output; // once the string has been build, return it