I'm creating a delete api endpoint for my spring boot application. I tried using the delete() and deleteById() methods provided by the JpaRepository. However, whenever I try to delete a concert, using the ConcertEntity or the concertId, the venue entry associated is deleted from the Venues table. How do I prevent deleting reference entities/tables using the JpaRepository?
My current solution is to set the venue to null before deleting the concert entity. My concertRepositroy extends to JpaRepository.
public void deleteConcert(ConcertEntity e){
@Table(name = "CONCERTS")
public class ConcertEntity{
private UUID concertId;
@Column(name = "ARTIST")
String artist;
@Column(name = "VENUE_ID")
VenueEntity venue;
/*Getters && Setters here...*/
Use the proper annotation to define the relationship (@ManyToOne or @OneToOne)
@ManyToOne(optional = true)
@JoinColumn(name = "VENUE_ID")
private VenueEntity venue;
That should not trigger any cascade deletion by default, but you can add the cascade parameter to the @ManyToOne or @OneToOne annotation if you want to customize the behavior.