I searched and tried different methods to apply links in the sidebar of ant design. But in vain. In the last version, we were applying links like this
<Menu.SubMenu key="SubMenu" icon={<SettingOutlined />}>
<Menu.Item key="two" icon={<AppstoreOutlined />}>
<Link to="">Navigation Two</Link>
But now they have changed it to function-based. Something like this
style={{ width: 256 }}
Now I tried a few methods to apply links to code. But they are not working properly. If anybody can help then, please help.
antd link:https://ant.design/components/menu/
Well what you can do is add navigation in label key in items array and then your code will be working same as before
const items: MenuProps['items'] = [
label: 'Navigation One',
key: 'mail',
icon: <MailOutlined />,
label: (
<a href="https://ant.design" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Navigation Two
key: 'alipay',