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Customizing events in Fullcalendar

Currently, the event component looks as follows:

single event component

I want to customize it, and the final result should look as follows:

customized event component


  • This post gave me a tip to solve my issue -

    Event object looks this way:

      title: ` ${firstname} ${lastname} `,
          start: new Date("2022-10-10 12:00"),
          end: new Date("2022-10-10 13:00"),
          id: "1",
          extendedProps: {
            services: [
              { title: 'text1', price: '80$' },
              { title: 'text2', price: '90$' },
              { title: 'text3', price: '100$' },

    In fullcalendar v5 version in eventDidMount hook I put function (<FullCalendar eventDidMount={returnContent} />) that looks the following way:

    function returnContent(e) {
      const time = e.timeText
      const title = e.event['_def'].title
      const services = e.event['_def']
      if(services) {
        e.el.innerHTML = `
          ${{title, price}) => (
            `<div class={customClasses}>