I need to add a table at the end of the document and the table to should start in a separate page. Can anyone help? Currently I am able to add the table at the end of the content of the existing docx file. I need to know how I can introduce a page break and start the the table at the end of the exist document in a separate page with docx4J
You can use a simple page break, unless you need different page size or headers/footers (in which case use a next page section break).
For a simple page break, the XML you need is:
<w:br w:type="page"/>
Corresponding Java:
// Create object for p
P p2 = wmlObjectFactory.createP();
body.getContent().add( p2);
// Create object for r
R r = wmlObjectFactory.createR();
p2.getContent().add( r);
// Create object for br
Br br = wmlObjectFactory.createBr();
r.getContent().add( br);
You can generate this code from a suitable sample docx (created in Word) using the Helper addin for Word, or the Docx4j Webapp.