Is it possible to call a module and it's function using variables?
I have a koa route:
import Router from 'koa-router';
import one from '../modules/one.js';
import two from '../modules/two.js';
import three from '../modules/three.js';
router.get('/api/:m/:f', async function get(ctx) {
let { m, f } = ctx.request.params;
//how to call module.function using m.f()
export default router.middleware();
would be called to /api/one/add
which would trigger Module one
and it's function add
. Is that possible?
If you're looking for something like that:
<code>const modules = {
one: require('../modules/one'),
two: require('../modules/two'),
three: require('../modules/three')
router.get('/api/:m/:f', async function get(ctx) {
let { m, f } = ctx.request.params;
//how to call module.function using m.f()
const module = modules[m];
const fn = module[f];
export default router.middleware();