I am drawing a histogram in JFreeChart. The columns of the histogram are colored red. But each column also has a white stripe on its left side. This stripe looks like a reflection effect. How can I remove the reflection effect to get solid colored bars instead? For more information, please see the attached screenshot.
The following code sets the bar painter for the histogram to the StandardXYBarPainter which does not draw a reflection effect. For more information, please see the related questions JFreeChart BarChart -> NO gradient and How to change JFreeChart vertical bar to a solid color? When I searched for my question, I did not see those questions because I searched for the word 'reflection' instead of 'gradient'. @trashgod referred me to these questions in his comment.
((XYBarRenderer) ((XYPlot) histogram.getPlot()).getRenderer()).setBarPainter(new StandardXYBarPainter());