I'm using Angular 14 and PrimeNG 14. I have a p-calendar component that I would like to style with a red border color if the user has not entered a value. I have
[ngClass]="{'border-red-500': this.submitted && this.form.get('myDate')?.hasError('required')}"
However, this does not do anything to change the style. What is the proper way to change the border color of the p-calendar component given certain conditions?
Border should be applied to input not p-calendar. Change your code to set inputStyleClass as below.
<p-calendar [showIcon]="true" [inputStyleClass]="this.submitted && this.form.get('myDate')?.hasError('required') ? 'red-bar': ''" formControlName="myDate">
I have created stackblitz for this. https://stackblitz.com/edit/primeng-calendar-demo-vjtcnp?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html
Or even with your implementation, you can simply change your class definition to
.border-red-500 .p-inputtext {
border: 1px solid red;
write the style in global styles.css.