I have no success enabling the filtering configuration of the CANbus driver. The doc is right there (CTRL+F acceptance filter): https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/v3.3/api-reference/peripherals/can.html#configuration
I would like to setup the filter so that I can only catch my extended frames which bear the ID that fall within 0x18000000 to 0x18FFFFFF range.
But my code does not catch the frames which I expect (aka 0x18307001).
I probably misunderstand the documentation.
My code is as follows:
can_general_config_t general_config = {
.mode =
.tx_io = (gpio_num_t)TXD,
.rx_io = (gpio_num_t)RXD,
.clkout_io = (gpio_num_t)CAN_IO_UNUSED,
.bus_off_io = (gpio_num_t)CAN_IO_UNUSED,
.tx_queue_len = 100,
.rx_queue_len = 65,
.alerts_enabled = CAN_ALERT_NONE,
.clkout_divider = 0
log("CAN Driver: general config done");
can_timing_config_t timing_config = CAN_TIMING_CONFIG_500KBITS();
log("CAN Driver: timing config done @ 500KBPS");
can_filter_config_t filter_config =
.acceptance_code = 0x18FFFFFF,
.acceptance_mask = 0x00FFFFFF, //0x18FFFFFF,
.single_filter = true
log("CAN Driver: filter config done");
esp_err_t error = can_driver_install(&general_config, &timing_config, &filter_config);
I finally found the solution: I have to shift left 3 bits
const uint32_t acceptanceCode = 0x18000000U<<3;
const uint32_t acceptanceMask = 0x00FFFFFFU<<3;