a variable
val str = readln().replace("[^A-Za-z0-9 ] \\s+".toRegex(),"").trim()
should read multiple lines of input value, input value will be like this
or like this
a) topic1
b) topic2
input may contain special characters or tabs or spaces we need to remove them also
I don't know what your Regex is trying to do, but that's not really your question.
How do you know when the user has finished their input - a special word or an empty line?
Assuming an empty line, here's how you can get all the content
println("Enter something:")
var lines = ""
do {
val line = readLine()
lines += "${clean(line)}\n"
} while (!line.isNullOrBlank())
println("User input:\n$lines")
private fun clean(line: String?): String? {
return line?.replace("[^A-Za-z0-9 ] \\s+".toRegex(),"")?.trim()