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how to get the same jquery hover effect for this social icons?

How can I get the same jQuery hover effect (easing) like that in the Epione blogger template?

I've tried so many ways to put it into my blog but I think I'm noob in jQuery Animation codes.

I will be very grateful if you can help me in this.


<div id='get_social'>
<div class='get_social_wrap'>
    <a class='follow_fb_link' href='' title='follow us on facebook'/>
    <a class='follow_twitter_link' href='' title='follow us on twitter'/>
    <a class='follow_rss_link' href='/feeds/posts/default' title='subscribe to our rss feed'/>


CSS Code

#get_social{float:left; position:relative; margin:0px;}
.get_social_wrap{ position:relative; width:160px; margin-top:15px;}

.follow_fb_link{width:22px; height:22px; background:url( no-repeat; float:left; margin-right:7px;}
.follow_twitter_link{width:22px; height:22px; background:url( no-repeat;  margin-right:7px; float:left;}
.follow_rss_link{width:22px; height:22px; background:url( no-repeat; margin-right:7px; float:left;}

jQuery Easing Plugin

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>


  • thank you guys for your answers, i found the problem. it was that i need to add the (jQuery Background Position Animation Plugin) and all works fine you can download it from here

    and the Easing Plugin from here

    The Final Code will be like this, Enjoy :)

    <script src='/jquery.easing.1.3.js' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='jquery.backgroundpos.js' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script type='text/javascript'> 
    var easing = &#39;easeOutBounce&#39;;
    $(&#39;.follow_fb_link, .follow_twitter_link, .follow_rss_link&#39;).css({backgroundPosition: &#39;0px 0px&#39;})
            $(this).stop().animate({backgroundPosition:&#39;0 -22px&#39;},200, easing)
            $(this).stop().animate({backgroundPosition:&#39;0 0&#39;},200, easing)