I use GuzzleHttp to send data via "_bulk" to an Elastic Search index. It is only a small dataset of 850 records. When I transfer the data record by record, I get an error message for 17 records. That's fine for me, so I can fix the errors.
But when I use _bulk, I do not get any error message at all. The 17 incorrect records are just ignored and are missing inside the index. How can I get an error message here? Are there some kind of options that I can use? Any ideas?
The endpoint is:
Here are my main code parts:
$jsonData = "xxxxx"; // the payload for the request
$elasticUrl = "https://xxxx.xx/xxxxx/_doc/_bulk";
$client = new Client([
"verify" => false, // disable ssl certificate verification
"timeout" => 600, // maximum timeout for requests
"http_errors" => false // disable exceptions
$header = ["Content-Type" => "application/json"];
$result = $client->post($elasticUrl,
"headers" => $header,
"body" => $jsonData
if ($result->getStatusCode() != 200) {
$ret = "Error ".$result->getStatusCode()." with message: ".$result->getReasonPhrase();
As @Val pointed out the use of $response->getBody()
gives the needed information:
$body = (string) $result->getBody();
$bodyArray = json_decode($body, true);
if ($bodyArray["errors"]) {
$retArray = [];
foreach ($bodyArray["items"] as $key => $item) {
if (isset($item["create"]["error"])) {
$retArray[] = $item["create"]["error"]["reason"].": ".json_encode($data[$key]);
$ret = implode(", ", $retArray);
As side note: in $data
I keep the data as php array before sending it to Elastic Search.