There is a tree that looks like this:
User can select multiple nodes from a tree. I want to detect whether the selected nodes are directly connected. How to achieve that?
Here are some examples with a good selection:
and here are examples with a bad selection:
Here is the JSON data that I'm using
const tree = {
id: "A",
children: [
id: "B",
children: [
id: "D",
children: [
id: "E",
children: [],
id: "C",
children: [],
We could distinguish these states that a tree could have with respect to the question:
We can derive this state from recursion, by doing a post-order traversal. So we would first determine the state of the child subtrees, and only then use that info for determining the (current) root's state. During the collection of states of the children, there can be a condition which immediately determines the root's state as "bad", and so recursion should immediately unwind.
Here is an implementation:
"use strict";
const STATES = { CLEAR: 0, ONGOING: 1, COMPLETE: 2, BAD: 3, ONE: 4 };
function isPath(tree, selected) {
let selectedSet = new Set(selected);
function dfs(node) {
let state = selectedSet.has( ? STATES.ONE : STATES.CLEAR;
for (const child of node.children) {
const childState = dfs(child);
if (childState == STATES.CLEAR) continue;
if (childState == STATES.BAD
|| childState == STATES.COMPLETE && state != STATES.CLEAR
|| childState == STATES.ONGOING && state == STATES.COMPLETE) return STATES.BAD;
return state == STATES.ONE ? STATES.ONGOING : state;
return [STATES.ONGOING, STATES.COMPLETE].includes(dfs(tree))
// Example run
const tree = {id: "A",children: [{id: "B",children: [{id: "D",children: [{id: "E",children: [],},],},],},{id: "C",children: [],},],};
console.log(isPath(tree, ["E","A"])); // false
console.log(isPath(tree, ["B","D"])); // true
console.log(isPath(tree, ["E"])); // true
console.log(isPath(tree, ["C","E"])); // false
console.log(isPath(tree, ["C","A","B"])); // true