Lets say I have a file t.txt, a directory t and another file t/t2.txt. If I use the linux zip utility "zip -r t.zip t.txt t", I get a zip file with the following entries in them (unzip -l t.zip):
Archive: t.zip
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
9 04-11-09 09:11 t.txt
0 04-11-09 09:12 t/
15 04-11-09 09:12 t/t2.txt
-------- -------
24 3 files
If I try to replicate that behavior with java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream and create a zip entry for the directory, java throws an exception. It can handle only files. I can create a t/t2.txt entry in the zip file and add use the t2.txt file contents to it but I can't create the directory. Why is that?
can handle empty directories by adding a forward-slash /
after the folder name. Try (from)
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream("test.zip");
ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(f));
zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("xml/"));
zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("xml/xml"));
} catch(Exception e) {