My migration status is follows:
macbook:mirror yuchen$ mix ecto.migrations -r Mirror.Repo
Repo: Mirror.Repo
Status Migration ID Migration Name
up 20221011000915 create_importers
up 20221011120109 create_products
up 20221011233005 create_pictures
I have updated '20221011120109_create_products.exs' file by adding one fields.
defmodule Mirror.Repo.Migrations.CreateProducts do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:products) do
add :importer_id, :string # newly added field
add :title, :string
add :cid, :string
add :seller_cids, :string
Is it possible to save the test data and update schema.
In addtion, is it possible to update 'create_products' directly and rollback 'create_pictures'?
How to do it?
This is not exactly how migrations are supposed to be used. Instead of amending the already applied migration, you should create the new one, modifying the column, like:
alter table(:products) do
add :importer_id, :string # newly added field
But you still can apply migrations manually with a help of Ecto.Migrator