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Accessing structure array attributes without using pointers

Is it possible to make a structure array variable and access structure attributes without using pointers? I tried doing it without a pointer and it is giving me an error.

using namespace std;
struct Student
    string name;
    string rollNo;
    float GPA;
    string department;
    char section;

int main()
    Student s1[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        cout << i + 1 << "Enter your name: ";
        cin >>;
        cout << "Enter roll num: ";
        cin >> s1.rollNo;

return 0;

I am accessing attributes by placing a dot s1.rollNo gives an error.


  • s1 is an array of structs and needs to be accessed with an index: s1[i].name etc.