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what is the formula for majority voting in Excel?

I have an Excel sheet including 2000 tweets. Five annotators labeled each tweet as Hate, Neutral, and Counterhate. I want to create a new column indicating the majority voting on these labels for each tweet.

For example, if for a tweet, three annotators voted on hate, one voted Counterhate, and one Neutral, then the majority voting of this tweet should be Hate.

  • Question1: Please let me know what the formula is to do this.
  • Question2: what is the majority of voting for a tweet that the number of two classes are same? For example, two annotators voted as Hate, two as Counterhate, and one Neutral?

Following is the screenshot of my excel sheet and the formula I wrote, but it returns false.

dex Text Label1 Label2 Label3 #of Hate #of Neutral #of Counterhate majority Agreement
1 tweet1 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 0.6
2 tweet2 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 0.6
3 tweet3 Neutral Neutral Neutral 0 3 0 FALSE 1
4 tweet4 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 0.6
5 tweet5 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 0.4
6 tweet6 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 0.4
7 tweet7 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 1
8 tweet8 Neutral Hate Neutral 1 2 0 FALSE 0.6
9 tweet9 Hate Hate Hate 3 0 0 FALSE 0.6
10 tweet10 Counterhate Neutral Counterhate 0 1 2 FALSE 0.4

I rewrite my formula:



  • You can try the following for Question 1 in K2 cell:

    =LET(values, {"Hate","Neutral","Counterhate"}, 
      counts, COUNTIF($C2:$E2,values), 
      INDEX(values, XMATCH(MAX(counts),counts)))


    1. Question 2 is not excel related, it is business specific rule you need to define and then to apply that rule in Excel.
    2. There is no need to use the helper additional columns you have for that. I obtain the result just based on Label columns:

    sample excel file

    LET is used for easier maintain the formula, creating variables representing portion of the formula will be repeated more than once.

    counts, COUNTIF($C2:$E2,values)

    Counts how many times the input range $C2:$E2 contains the values.

    INDEX(values, XMATCH(MAX(counts),counts))

    Calculates the index position in values from the maximum number of repetitions.

    The rest is just to expand down the formula in K2 cell.

    Tip: If the business rule for Question2 is to consider for example Neutral, if two or more values have the same count. Then the previous formula can be modified as follow:

    =LET(values, {"Hate","Neutral","Counterhate"},counts, 
      COUNTIF($C2:$E2,values), maxNum, SUM(-- 
      IF(maxNum > 1,"Neutral",INDEX(values, XMATCH(MAX(counts),counts))))