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ReactJS react-pdf error "Failed to load PDF file." on some attempts

I created a react js app with create-react-app and I am trying out react-pdf to view pdfs. the problem I have is that my code works sometimes and sometimes doesn't. when I first load the app the pdf always loads well but if i visit other links/urls on the site and then navigate to the page with the pdf, the pdf will likely fail to load on a few attempts with an error "Failed to load PDF file".

if error it looks like below image enter image description here

if success it look like below image enter image description here

this is how i have implemented it


import { Document, Page, pdfjs } from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack';
import { useState } from 'react';
import 'react-pdf/dist/esm/Page/AnnotationLayer.css';

code implementation

function ReactPDF() {
    const imageKitURL = '';
    const pdf = `${imageKitURL}/test_files/file-example_PDF_1MB.pdf`;

    const [numPages, setNumPages] = useState(null);
    const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(1);

    function onDocumentLoadSuccess({ numPages }) {

    function changePage(offset) {
        setPageNumber((prevPageNumber) => prevPageNumber + offset);

    function previousPage() {

    function nextPage() {

    return (
                    Page {pageNumber || (numPages ? 1 : '--')} of {numPages || '--'}
                <button type="button" disabled={pageNumber <= 1} onClick={previousPage}>
                <button type="button" disabled={pageNumber >= numPages} onClick={nextPage}>
            {/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind */}
            <Document file={pdf} onLoadSuccess={onDocumentLoadSuccess}>
                <Page pageNumber={pageNumber} />

i hope the question is detailed enough to explain the situation


  • Try to install the types with the command:

    npm i -D @types/react-pdf