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synchronize multiple modules with intelIj

I'm wondering if we can work with intelij like we work with eclipse workspace:

In fact , we have a project with multiple dependent modules ( more than 50 modules ), with eclipse I know that we have the principl of workspace so if for example we update a commun module, all other modules which depend on this commun module will be updated ( no need to do : mvn install to update with commun module modification ).

Can we do that with intelij?



  • Yes you can work same like workspace in eclipse. If you want to simulate the Eclipse workflow, you should create an empty project (~ workspace) first:

    New Project > Empty Project

    Now you can create separate modules to be shown exactly like you want:

    Select the top-level directory in the Project tool window and press Alt+Insert or select New | Module from the context menu.

    The New Module wizard opens.

    From the list on the left, select a module type. Name the new module.

    If you want to get the detailed instructions . How to work with modules in intelliJ . It is all shown step by step and clearly on the below link :)

    Working with modules in INtelliJ