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VBA Excel send all info in only one email if one value is same

I want send a email with VBA where I send user number to email address but if he have 2 user number he send the 2 user number in the same mail.

My code with my excel :Excel

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim mail As Variant
    Dim ligne As Integer

    Set mail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'create an outlook object

    For ligne = 1 To 5

        If Range("n" & ligne) = "OK" Then

            With mail.CreateItem(olMailItem) ' informs the program that we want to send a mail.
                .Subject = TEST
                .To = Range("q" & ligne)
                .CC = "[email protected]"
                .Body = "Hi number " & Range("I" & ligne) & " You are owner of users :" 'users
                .SendUsingAccount = "[email protected]"
                .Display 'display the mail before sending it if not place send to send
            End With
        End If
    Next ligne
End Sub


  • Please, test the next updated code. It uses a dictionary to extract the unique mail accounts and all the necessary data to behave as you need. The code has a Stop line, after .Display to let you see how the new mail looks in its window. Do what is written in the respective line comment. Otherwise, it will create so many new mail window as many UNIQUE records are in Q:Q:

    Sub sendMailCond()
     Dim sh As Worksheet, lastRQ As Long, arr, arrUs, i As Long
     Dim mail As Object, strUsers As String, dict As Object
     Set sh = ActiveSheet
     lastRQ = sh.Range("Q" & sh.rows.count).End(xlUp).row 'last row on Q:Q
     arr = sh.Range("A2:Q" & lastRQ).Value 'place the range in an array for faster processing
     'Place the necessary data in the dictionary:
     Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'set the dictionary
     For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
        If arr(i, 14) Like "OK" Then
             If Not dict.exists(arr(i, 17)) Then
                    dict.Add arr(i, 17), arr(i, 9) & "|" & arr(i, 1)
                   dict(arr(i, 17)) = dict(arr(i, 17)) & "::" & arr(i, 1)
             End If
        End If
     Next i
     Set mail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'create an outlook object
     'extract the necessary data:
     For i = 0 To dict.count - 1
         arr = Split(dict.Items()(i), "|") 'split the item by "|" to extract value from I:I and a concatenation by "::" separator if more then one key exists
         arrUs = Split(arr(1), "::")
           If UBound(arrUs) > 0 Then
                  strUsers = Join(arrUs, " / ")
                  strUsers = arr(1)
           End If
          With mail.CreateItem(olMailItem) ' informs the program that we want to send a mail.
                .Subject = "Test"
                .To = dict.Keys()(i)
                .cc = "[email protected]"
                .body = "Hi number " & arr(0) & " You are owner of users : " & strUsers
                .SendUsingAccount = "[email protected]"
                .Display: Stop 'See the New mail in Outlook and check its contents
                               'press F5 to continue!
         End With
     Next i
    End Sub

    If it returns as you want, you can replace the line starting with Disply with .Send.


    The new version extracting from M:M, too and placing at the end of body:

    Sub sendMailCond2()
     Dim sh As Worksheet, lastRQ As Long, arr, arrUs, i As Long
     Dim mail As Object, strUsers As String, dict As Object
     Set sh = ActiveSheet
     lastRQ = sh.Range("Q" & sh.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
     arr = sh.Range("A2:Q" & lastRQ).Value
     'Place the necessary data in the dictionary:
     Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'set the dictionary
     For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
        If arr(i, 14) Like "OK" Then
             If Not dict.exists(arr(i, 17)) Then
                    dict.Add arr(i, 17), arr(i, 9) & "|" & arr(i, 13) & "|" & arr(i, 1)
                    dict(arr(i, 17)) = dict(arr(i, 17)) & "::" & arr(i, 1)
             End If
        End If
     Next i
     Set mail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'create an outlook object
     'extract the necessary data:
     For i = 0 To dict.count - 1
         arr = Split(dict.Items()(i), "|")
         arrUs = Split(arr(2), "::")
           If UBound(arrUs) > 0 Then
                  strUsers = Join(arrUs, " / ") & ". Your last connection was " & arr(1)
                  strUsers = arr(2) & ". Your last connection was " & arr(1)
           End If
          With mail.CreateItem(olMailItem) ' informs the program that we want to send a mail.
                .Subject = "Test"
                .To = dict.Keys()(i)
                .cc = "[email protected]"
                .body = "Hi number " & arr(0) & " You are owner of users : " & strUsers
                .SendUsingAccount = "[email protected]"
                .Display: Stop 'See the New mail in Outlook and check its contents
                               'press F5 to continue!
         End With
     Next i
    End Sub