I am using CairoMakie to scatter plot an XY data set but using labels as markers:
using CairoMakie
x = [0, 0.5, 0.50]
y = [0, 0.5, 0.51]
lbls = ["O", "A", "B"]
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
scatter!(ax, x, y, marker=:circle, markersize=10, color=:red)
foreach(i -> text!(ax, position=(x[i], y[i]), lbls[i]), 1:3)
This produces the following figure:
Because points A
and B
are very close with each other, their respective labels overlap. Does CairoMakie have an algorithm to place the labels in such a way to avoid label overlaps?
I know Gadfly has this capability with Geom.label
but I am hoping I do not have to use a separate package just to plot such charts. I also know in CairoMakie, I can use arguments such as position
and offset
to adjust the label positioning in such a way the labels do not overlap, but I cannot do this for every data set in my case.
Can anyone help? Or perhaps have a label placement algorithm written in Julia? Thanks.
It is amazing that several math papers have been written on non-overlapping label placement algorithms, but I neither have the math background nor the time to study these papers, let alone translate the algorithm into code. Python and R have codes for this kind of algorithm.
Anyway, the following code in Julia is sufficient for my case, not necessarily holistic enough for all situations and for everyone's case.
using DataFrames
using CairoMakie
using Random
function allpairs(n::Int)
arr = collect(Iterators.product(1:n, 1:n))
row, col = size(arr)
combo = []
for r ∈ 1:row-1, c ∈ (r + 1):col
push!(combo, arr[r, c])
angle(x, y) = atan(y[2] - y[1], x[2] - x[1])
dist(x, y) = sqrt((x[2] - x[1])^2 + (y[2] - y[1])^2)
function label_dist(x, y, δw, δh)
x1, x2 = x[1], x[2]
y1, y2 = y[1], y[2]
x1b, x2b = x1 + δw, x2 + δw
y1b, y2b = y1 + δh, y2 + δh
left = x2b < x1
right = x1b < x2
bottom = y2b < y1
top = y1b < y2
d = top && left ? dist((x1, x2b), (y1b, y2)) :
left && bottom ? dist((x1, x2b), (y1, y2b)) :
bottom && right ? dist((x1b, x2), (y1, y2b)) :
right && top ? dist((x1b, x2), (y1b, y2)) :
left ? x1 - x2b :
right ? x2 - x1b :
bottom ? y1 - y2b :
top ? y2 - y1b :
function shift!(x, y, idx, r, angle)
x[idx[1]] -= r * cos(angle)
y[idx[1]] -= r * sin(angle)
x[idx[2]] += r * cos(angle)
y[idx[2]] += r * sin(angle)
function label_pos(x, y; # label positions (original/untransformed scale)
min_dist=0.002, # min. distance between labels (on a 0-1 scale)
shift_size=0.002, # distance to shift labels (on a 0-1 scale)
width=0.05, # width of label (on a 0-1 scale)
height=0.03, # height of label (on a 0-1 scale)
attempts::Int=100) # no. of tries to place labels
xlims = extrema(x)
Δx = xlims[2] - xlims[1]
ylims = extrema(y)
Δy = ylims[2] - ylims[1]
xt = (x .- xlims[1]) ./ Δx # map to a 0-1 scale
yt = (y .- ylims[1]) ./ Δy
combo = allpairs(length(xt))
iter = true
i = 1
while iter
pts = map(combo) do p
idx = [p[1], p[2]]
d = label_dist(xt[idx], yt[idx], width, height)
θ = angle(xt[idx], yt[idx])
(idx=idx, dist=d, angle=θ)
pos = findall(p -> p.dist < min_dist, pts)
foreach(p -> shift!(xt, yt, p.idx, shift_size, p.angle), pts[pos])
i += 1
iter = (i <= attempts) && !isempty(pos)
xt = xt .* Δx .+ xlims[1] # revert to original scale
yt = yt .* Δy .+ ylims[1]
(; x=xt, y=yt)
xlims = (0, 1)
ylims = (-10, 10)
Δxl = xlims[2] - xlims[1]
Δyl = ylims[2] - ylims[1]
n = 150 # no. of points to generate
seed = 392348
xs = xlims[1] .+ rand(n) .* Δxl
ys = ylims[1] .+ rand(n) .* Δyl
labels = map(i -> "$i", eachindex(xs))
xt = xs[:]
yt = ys[:]
xt2 = xs[:]
yt2 = ys[:]
xt, yt = label_pos(xt, yt)
xlims2 = (xlims[1] - Δxl * 0.05, xlims[2] + Δxl * 0.05)
ylims2 = (ylims[1] - Δyl * 0.05, ylims[2] + Δyl * 0.05)
fig = Figure(resolution=(600,1200)) # must be square and preferably >500 px
axs = Axis(fig[1,1])
scatter!(axs, xs, ys, marker=:circle, markersize=5, color=:red)
axs.title = "non-overlap label placement"
foreach(eachindex(labels)) do i
text!(axs, position=(xt[i], yt[i]), labels[i], textsize=15, align=(:right, :bottom))
axs2 = Axis(fig[2,1])
scatter!(axs2, xs, ys, marker=:circle, markersize=5, color=:red)
axs2.title = "default label placement"
limits!(axs, xlims2, ylims2)
limits!(axs2, xlims2, ylims2)
foreach(eachindex(labels)) do i
text!(axs2, position=(xt2[i], yt2[i]), labels[i], textsize=15, align=(:right, :bottom))
The code produces the following 2 charts:
It is hardly near perfect or optimized, but it teases apart the labels far enough, so that I can save the figures as SVG, then use a vector drawing app to manually adjust the labels, where needed.
This is a start, as I am sure cleverer people can optimize this code. I hope this will be helpful to others.