Code have been using for years recently stopped working.
I've since upgraded to Office 365.
The code should copy the Sheet "Response", paste a copy of a cell from "Database" and name the new sheet appropriately. It continues creating new sheets in the workbook until the end of the Database list.
I get:
Run-time error '1004': Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data.
The code runs and creates a sheet "Response4". (I've only given the database 4 lines to copy.). Debug highlights the line ActiveSheet.Paste link:=True
The code works outside of my company's system. (I sent it to a friend with dummy data and it worked.)
Sub CopyCatView()
'NumResp = last row with a responses to the question held within
' the question 'Themes' database sheet
Dim NumResp As Integer
'x for looping variable
Dim x As Integer
'y for response number variable
Dim y As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
NumResp = Range("NumRowsD1").Value + 2
'NumRowsD1 is a named range comprising cell A1 on the Database sheet,
' which calculates by formula the number of comments in the database
For x = 3 To NumResp
Sheets("Response").Copy before:=Sheets("Response")
y = NumResp - x + 1
ActiveSheet.Name = "Response" & y
ActiveSheet.Range("C2").Value = Sheets("Database").Range("B" & x).Value
Cells(x, 3).Select
ActiveSheet.Paste link:=True
Sheets("Response" & y).Activate
Cells(x, 70).Select
ActiveSheet.Paste link:=True
'duplicates the Response sheet as many times as there are comments (=X),
' numbers them Response1 to ResponseX, copies each comment into the white box
' on a different response sheet from Response1 to ResponseX
'Also links through the check box reporting to the relevant row in the Database sheet
Next x
'at the end hide Sheet "Response"(deleting brings up prompts for every sheet deleted!)
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False
End Sub
Since the "paste with link" requires ranges to be selected before pasting, I'd skip that and create a method to perform that function.
Also - use worksheet variables to reduce the repetition in your code and make for easier maintenance.
Sub CopyCatView()
Dim NumResp As Long, x As Long, y As Long 'prefer Long over Integer
Dim wsDB As Worksheet, wsResp As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
Set wsDB = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database")
Set wsResp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Response")
NumResp = wsDB.Range("NumRowsD1").Value + 2
For x = 3 To NumResp
wsResp.Copy before:=wsResp
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(wsResp.Index - 1) 'get a reference to the copy
y = NumResp - x + 1
ws.Name = "Response" & y
ws.Range("C2").Value = wsDB.Range("B" & x).Value
LinkRanges ws.Range("AA5:CR5"), wsDB.Cells(x, 3)
LinkRanges ws.Range("F4"), wsDB.Cells(x, 70)
Next x
wsResp.Visible = False
End Sub
'Link two ranges in the same workbook
' rngFrom = contiguous (single-area) source range
' rngTo = top-left cell of the destination range
Sub LinkRanges(rngFrom As Range, rngTo As Range)
Dim r As Long, c As Long, nm As String
If Not rngFrom.Parent Is rngTo.Parent Then
nm = "'" & rngFrom.Parent.Name & "'!"
End If
For r = 1 To rngFrom.Rows.Count
For c = 1 To rngFrom.Columns.Count
rngTo.Cells(r, c).Formula = "=" & nm & _
rngFrom.Cells(r, c).Address(False, False)
Next c
Next r
End Sub