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Can we set 2 static ip in azure private endpoint with Azure CLI

I want to run Aure CLI for create private endpoint on Azure databrick, It requires two ip for deploy private endpoint. I have no idea how to configure script at [--ip-config] for 2 ip. I try to search for azure document and found only case when configure 1 ip only

enter image description here

    id=$(az webapp list \
   --resource-group CreatePrivateEndpointQS-rg \
   --query '[].[id]' \
   --output tsv)

az network private-endpoint create \
   --connection-name myConnection \
   --name myPrivateEndpoint \
   --private-connection-resource-id $id \
   --resource-group CreatePrivateEndpointQS-rg \
   --subnet myBackendSubnet \
   --group-id sites \
   --ip-config name=myIPconfig group-id=sites member-name=sites private-ip-address= \
   --vnet-name myVNet

For my reference please follow here =>


  • As mentioned in the below doc, Private link support for Azure Databricks is in Public Preview and:

    In the Public Preview release, only one private endpoint can be created directly from within the workspace creation flow. To create a separate front-end private endpoint from your transit VNet, you need to create an additional private endpoint but you need to do that after the workspace is deployed.


    You can use the readily available template with Azure CLI to deploy your workspace with the back-end Private link endpoint.


    The all-in-one deployment ARM template creates the following resources:

    • Network security groups
    • Resource groups
    • VNet including subnets for the workspace (the standard two subnets) and Private Link (an additional subnet)
    • Azure Databricks workspace
    • The back-end Private Link endpoint

    NOTE: The template does not create a front-end endpoint from your transit VNet. After creation of the workspace, you can add that endpoint manually.

    So, there is no way to set 2 static IPs in Azure private endpoint for Azure Databricks via Azure CLI or Azure Portal since it is in Preview. You will only be able to add 1 IP and then you have to manually add the other via Portal as mentioned in below doc:
